The Battle for Fort Hraggstad: Prepare for the final assault on Solitude by taking this fort for the Stormcloaks.The Battle for Fort Kastav: Reclaim this fort for the Stormcloaks.(radiant) ( 10 pts/Bronze - only if The Battle for Fort Sungard did not need to be completed) The Battle for Fort Greenwall: Reclaim this fort for the Stormcloaks.The Battle for Fort Dunstad: Reclaim this fort for the Stormcloaks.The Battle for Fort Snowhawk: Take this fort for the Stormcloaks.A False Front: Find and deliver some forged documents to the Imperials.The Battle for Fort Sungard: Take this fort in the name of the Stormcloaks.Compelling Tribute: Blackmail a Talos worshipper into helping the Stormcloaks.Rescue from Fort Neugrad: Rescue Stormcloak soldiers from the Imperials and capture the fort.See Liberation of Skyrim for more details.

Which holds are Imperial-controlled depends upon negotations during Season Unending, and therefore only a subset of the following quests need to be completed. Each Imperial-controlled hold in Skyrim must be liberated, one at a time.

Three achievements (50 points 2 Bronze and 1 Silver) are unlocked by completing either Civil War questline (either Stormcloaks or Imperial Legion).