Please do not host or upload my mods to other sites without my permission. Please let me know when you release the mod by a private message (PM). Please provide information as to why and what for do you want to use my mod. Please contact me by a private message (PM). IF YOU WANT TO USE THE MAJORITY OF MY MOD IN YOUR MOD Please let me know about it either by a comment or a private message (PM). Please have a link to the original mod. IF YOU WANT TO USE CERTAIN PARTS OF MY MOD IN YOUR MOD Please don't name the file "Crimsomrider's" or "CR's". Sadly, all of the mods that allow you to be a slaver are either buggy as hell, or have sex involved (And I really dont want that in my game at all). Please don't give me Author Rights for your file. Decent slavery mod for New Vegas So Ive been hunting for a mod to be a Slaver in New Vegas after playing Fallout 3 and being an evil prick as usual. Please don't name me as the author of your file. Please have your file require the original mod. Please provide credit where credit is due. IF YOU WANT TO CREATE CONVERSIONS/PATCHES/TRANSLATIONS Having a trustworthy environment in which we can share our knowledge, creations and ideas is essential to the healthy growth of a modding community so play nice, play fair and provide credit where credit is due. Sonichu is a webcomic created by vlogger Christine Weston Chandler, better known by her nickname Chris-chan. I present to you: the TRUE and HONEST Sonichu, collecting issues 0. You may freely use my mods as resources in accordance with the small set of ground rules I've laid down in order to prevent any potential exploitation of such good will. Ladies and gentlemen, girls and boys, and dudes of all teenages (as well as the, uh, gals).