
Quiver 3.2.3 download
Quiver 3.2.3 download

Quiver 3.2.3 download Quiver 3.2.3 download

The resulting vacuum breaks supersymmetry at moderately low energies in comparison with the compactification scale, with positive cosmological constant. We consider possible perturbative corrections to the Kahler potential in inverse powers of $Re S$ and $Re T$, and find that under certain circumstances, and when taken together with low-energy gaugino condensation, these can lift the degeneracy of the flat direction for $Re S$.

Quiver 3.2.3 download

The expectation value of T is fixed by the classical potential, and S describes a flat direction to all orders in perturbation theory. The matter content of the resulting theory is a supersymmetric SO(3)xU(1) gauge model with two chiral multiplets, S and T. This provides a simple setting sharing the main properties of realistic string compactifications such as flat 4D spacetime, chiral fermions and N=1 supersymmetry as well as Fayet-Iliopoulos terms induced by the Green-Schwarz mechanism. We construct the 4D N=1 supergravity which describes the low-energy limit of 6D supergravity compactified on a sphere with a monopole background a la Salam and Sezgin.

Quiver 3.2.3 download